Last Bottle

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Liquor stores are considered “essential businesses” and remain open. However, the fast in-and-out, adorned with mask and glove, is not the same as spending an afternoon browsing in a wine store, looking for a special bottle or a bargain hidden away on a shelf.

There are lots of sites selling wine, but Last Bottle offers a unique shopping experience, not just a poor substitute for what we used to enjoy. They offer one choice of wine a day at an excellent price. The selection is often an older vintage or a hard-to-find gem. The enticing descriptions that accompany each bottle make it almost impossible to resist purchasing, but I’ve also found the information to be accurate. If you buy six bottles (sometimes less, depending on price) shipping is free. You get a $25 credit for referring any new customer who makes a purchase. The person who buys the actual last bottle of an offering gets a $25 credit. That has happened to me once so far. It’s strangely thrilling.


Issue 18: With the Click of a Mouse

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